A Loving Teen Couple.


  1. Replies
    1. your a piece of shit you ass hole

    2. yea you should just go fuck yourself. Who the hell are you to judge these people. If it makes them happy it should not matter to you. your garbage.

    3. Wow. To those who replied to the above comment, you're assholes. You may think that you're doing the world a favor by "protecting the rights" of transgenders, but in reality, you're no better than those doing the judging on the transgender population. And so,if you would kindly grow up and allow people to make asses of themselves in peace, we can all go back to making the world a tolerable place again. Thank you.

  2. Love can be found anywhere, so screw off Anonymous kid above me

  3. Wow these people are a straight couple at the exact same time as being a not straight couple. It is confusing. On one hand you have a man and a woman dating making it a straight couple. However on the other hand you have a biological woman attracted to a womanly figure and a biological man attracted to a manly figure. So weird.

  4. You have girly wrists
    Yeah well you have man hands

  5. what a couple of faggots

    1. This is the reason that this world will always have hate. Because of ass holes like you who make people feel bad because they do the things that make them happy and not the things that you find acceptable. You are the faggot sir. enjoy your life prick

    2. Faggots? But...This is a boy and a girl, in a relationship. Either way you look at it, there is only one male, and one female in this relationship. Even if only factoring their biological sex. The boy is a girl, and the girl is a boy.
      One boy who's actually a girl + one girl who's actually a boy = One boy, and one girl, in a relationship. They're just playing each other's roles. You wouldn't call a couple "gay" if the chick decided to dress in her boyfriend's clothes, and the guy dressed in his girlfriend's clothes for a day as a joke. It'd be funny, but not gay.

      Anyway you look at it, this is completely straight by almost every technicality. The only thing that's gay is that technically the boy likes boys and the girl likes girls. but now that the girl is a boy and the boy is a girl, they've unintentionally gotten themselves into quite a straight relationship. :P

    3. To the first reply to the above comment,hate will exist because people like YOU, can't seem to understand human nature requires confrontation. Don't feed the wolves dude. Keyboard warriors are not good. Don't be one. Good day.

  6. Wow... didn't see that coming. lol
